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brooke medicine eagle

Grounding The Awakening Feminine Workshop

The Indiginous Elder for our time.

Saturday 19th Aug 10-5


I am completly honoured and proud to share that Brooke Mediciene Eagle will be sharing her workshop with us at the Temple here in South Shropshire.

"In 1993 male elders in primary traditions around the world handed the wands of power to the Grandmothers saying - NOW IS YOUR TIME; NOW IS THE TIME OF THE FEMININE.  That means that Now is OUR time to awaken and ground this remarkable energy in our own bodies, our work, and our world, and it is critical for All Life that we do so.   

Brooke has focused on bringing forward the Feminine ~ beginning with powerful visions during her tradition quest on Bear Butte; gathering information from female elders around the world; bringing forth indigenous moon-time practices 25 years ago; and continues to deepen her understanding of Feminine aliveness, health and vital service to our world in this critical time.

With this essential wisdom, you will find yourself empowered, uplifted and activated to move forward with beauty, grace, and power!! 

We will:

-  journey to the beginning of all things, to Creative Source

- from there focus on how that Creative

Source lives within us and our Moon cycles.  

- bring awareness to the Feminine mysteries in our own bodies to nourish and heal ourselves

- explore how the Feminine can be enhanced in our work and in our relationships; as well as, the challenges we face in doing so 

- learn about matri-focal societies, and support for women / children

- sit in quiet on the land to connect deeply with Mother Earth and All Our Relations. 

- sing songs of the Feminine to empower our dancing steps forward. "


Brooke invites you to wear skirt or shawl to express our flowing feminine as we join in this gathering. You may bring drums and rattles in case we use them.








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